is one of the most efficient tools for hacking facebook accounts. With
this nice little software you can remotely gain access over someone’s
account and check everything.
tool is that is completely untraceable and undetectable.
You can track targeted user’s phone remotely without them knowing that they are spied on.
then you should know that there is no better tool for doing so than copy9.
This tool is very simple and easy to use. It requires just a few steps before you can get started.
Method 2: How to hack facebook password?
Hack facebook by using trick “Reset the Password”
Another way for learning
how to hack facebook password easily is through the password reset.
is probably the easiest of all methods to use, especially if you are a
friend with the person whose facebook account you want to hack.
how to hack facebook password with this method?
Step 1: First you should get the e-mail login of the person’s facebook account
Step 2: Then next step is to click on the button for forgotten passwords where you should type the e-mail address of the victim.
system will then ask you whether you want to reset the password through
his e-mail address. That will not help you, so you should press the
button which says –>”no longer have access to these?”
Step 3:
Next, you will be asked how you can be reached, so you should type an
e-mail address that is not associated with any facebook account.
The following step is answering a question that the victim knows the answer to.
If the victim is your friend then you will likely know the answer, but if not, you can make a simple guess.
If the answer is correct you can easily change the password and wait for 24 hours before you can login to that facebook account.
Trusted Contacts: You can use this option only if you have already chosen trusted contacts.
If you want to protect yourself from people that know how to hack facebook password then you have a few options available.
can use a different e-mail address for logging than the one that is
visible on your profile. Also use a difficult security question for
recovering your facebook password.
Method 3: How to hack a facebook account?
Use a Keylogger
The third method for exploring
how to hack facebook accounts is by using a keylogger.
is a type of program that records strokes people make on their
keyboards, without them knowing that are being recorded.
However, the keylogger program needs to be manually downloaded on the victim’s phone or computer.
Then you can
hack facebook password instantly.
The keylogger will automatically record all victim’s keystrokes and
this program will never be detected, working quietly in the background.
You can also program the keylogger to send you a report of all of the victim’s keystrokes on your e-mail address.

The mentioned information was about software keylogger, but there is also program called hardware keylogger.
works exactly the same as previous keylogger, but the difference is
that you need to connect it to the victim’s computer through a USB flash
Then you can save all keystrokes on your USB, which is extremely easy. Both of these options are very good if you want to know how to hack facebook accounts.
If you want to protect yourself then one of the simplest things you can use is to have a good firewall turned on.
firewall will prevent suspicious activities and will warn you about it.
Besides that, you can also install a password manager,
because keyloggers only steal information you type. If the information is not typed then you are safe.
Password managers work in a way in which you do not have to type anything.
other things you can protect from hack facebook password instantly is
constantly updating your software and frequently changing your
Method 4: Hack facebook account online now .
Easy way to hack facebook account: Phishing
Fourth method for you to quickly learn
how to hack someones facebook account is through the method of phishing.
Phishing is a difficult method to use in comparison with the others, but still one of the most used methods for learning how to
hack facebook account online now.
So how it is done? Most commonly used type of phishing is by creating fake Facebook login page.

You can send the fake page by email to the victim, and this page looks exactly the same as the real Facebook page.
the victim enters his personal information and logs in to the page, you
will get all his information instantly. What makes phishing process
difficult is the creation of fake login page and hosting account.
If you want to learn
how to hack someones facebook account it is advisable for you to first learn how to make a clone website.
That way you can successfully make a good copy of facebook that will look exactly alike the original.
is a lot of information online about this process, so take some time to
investigate before you try the phishing method in order to
hack facebook account online now.
you are the person that wants to protect from being phished, best thing
you can do is to never click on suspicious e-mail links.
Always be careful when receiving such information and double check if you need to enter personal information.
phishing is not done only by using e-mail contact. The link may be
posted anywhere, on any forum or website, or may even appear as a pop
Of course, for complete protection you should always use some
powerful anti-virus software that will intercept and remove phishing
sites attempting to steal your personal information.
Method 5: how to hack someones facebook ?
Man in the Middle Attack
The so-called Man in the Middle Attack is the fifth type of facebook hack.

This method is done when you are close to your victim. You can gain access and
hack facebook account if your victim is tricked into connecting to a fake wireless network.
you can steal his login information by doing MITM attack. There are
many tools on the market which you can use to create a fake Wi-Fi
network and they usually do not cost a lot.
You should know that
as soon as the victim gets connected to the Wi-Fi network you have
provided to him, you can route the network traffic to the fake facebook
login page.
When he enters his information you can gain control of his username and password and perform a successful
facebook hack.
For protection against Man in the Middle Attacks you should never connect to unencrypted wireless networks.
Also avoid connecting to networks with odd or suspicious names, no matter if they are open or free to use.
you face difficulties when connecting to your own network, check the
nearby networks and see whether someone made a copy of the name of your
Also if the router asks for password information for
performing some kind of internet update, then it is likely that someone
is trying to get access and steal your personal information.
Method 6: How to hack facebook password ?
Facebook Password Extractor

The sixth and final method to
hack facebook password is with the facebook password extractor.
important rule to remember if you are interested in hacking is that
successful hacking does not involve getting physical access to someone’s
phone or computer.
Hackers do everything remotely and that is the best way for you to know
how to hack facebook accounts.
Of course, not all people are technically gifted and know how to remotely
hack facebook password, but with some work you can easily learn everything there is about it.
This method for hacking facebook account is for those who do not have much knowledge about
how to hack facebook accounts or technical specialties.
With this method you need to get a physical access to the person’s phone or computer and get their facebook login information.
what this hack is all about? Well it relies on the fact that people
often forget their password information when they return back to log in.
people do not want to always enter their username and password when
getting back to facebook, so they usually mark the ‘remember me’ button
for easier access.
Then the login information is stored somewhere
inside the computer system, and your main goal is to find where the
password is stored and get it.
Different web browsers have
different places for storage, but important thing is that they are
always stored somewhere inside the computer directories.
Method 7: How To Hack Facebook Accounts Using Session Hijacking And Cookie Stealing
Do you want to know
how to hack Facebook accounts? Of course, you do. After all, most users have this desire at some point.
first thing to know is that this is possible. It isn’t complicated, but
isn’t as simple as you would expect. Keep in mind that you will need
more time when performing this step for the first time.
You will need:
Cain and Abel, Wireshark, and Add-on Cookie mannager. Also, use Firefox 3 or a newer version which supports
Add-on Cookie mannager
- Step 1: Gain access to your network
This step is perfumed from the network control panel on your computer. If it doesn’t work, use Backtrack.
this software as an administrator (right click on the icon). Then go to
configure tab and add the wireless or LAN adapter which is used on your
own computer. After you are done, select sniffer option and the second
button from the left.
you are done, click on an empty box and then on + (blue) icon. Here you
can see the devices which are available. Go to the bottom part of the
software and click on APR icon.
you are done with APR section, confirm the step and minimize the Cain
software. Make sure it stays active in the background.
- Step 4: Open Wireshark (run as administrator)
on Capture/Interfaces. Here you will have to choose the correct
interface which is used with the suitable Network. This is a great time
to wait a couple of seconds and see the traffic being generated. It
truly looks impressive
- Step 5: Filter the results
While the Wireshark is open, use filters to get the suitable values. Type http.cookie
and select the files which start with the POST. This is an important
point, simply because POST stands for data which has been sent to a
targeted website, in this case, Facebook.
- Step 6: Obtain the cookies
again you can filter the results by typing Facebook. Then, you will be
presented with the cookie-related files. Right-click on a file and
export selected package file as a value. In other terms, this will copy
the cookies, including the data you need.
Now you will have to open the Facebook page. Open the Firefox cookie editor and
replace the actual cookies with the cookies you have just obtained from
the Wireshark and Cain. In addition, for domain type URL of Facebook.
For the path, type ‘’/’’.
the cookie editor and refresh the page. If you completed all tasks
successfully, the page will refresh as you are logged in. If not, try
with different cookies. Eventually, you will understand which cookies
are the right ones to use and which one should be used in the first
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